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    섹션 설정
  • 사단법인 텐스푼
  • 축제
  • 워크숍
  • 제작
  • 영상
  • 전시
  • Production


    Play Gorge  Directed by Chung Beom-cheol

    - Winner of the special prize at the Gomanaru Theater Festvial




    Story of a family living in the remote countryside in Gangwon Province in the 1930s. Unfolding in the Yeongseo area in Gangwon Province, this play is the second work of the trilogy by Lee Hyo-seok.

    *Although Lee Hyo-seok is a writer praised for his description of Korea’s local area and for the value of his lietary works, he has been criticized increasingly for his pro-Japanese moves. So the festival stopped producing the trilogy based on novels by him.


    Dance Dance House 
     Choreographed by Park Sang-mi, Kim Yo-sep, Kang Jin-an
        and Choi Min-seon


    Dance House  is a special series of contemporary dance by young and notable choreographers.

    The series included In the Fish Tank (choreographer: Kim Yo-sep),
    In My Room (choreographer: Park Sang-mi) and Basic Dance (choreographers: Kang Jin-an and Choi Min-seon).


    Play When Buckwheat Flowers Bloom 
     Directed by Ji Chun-seong and Park Hyo-jin

    - National tour as part of the “Everywhere Cultural Empathy”
       project by KOCACA in 2015.


    Conflict and reconciliation of Mr. Heo and Dongi seen from the donkey’s point of view.

    The 1930s Korean novel is reinterpreted as a duodrama with Kim Seok-ju and Ji Chun-seong.

    The play was selected for the “Everywhere Cultural Empathy” project in 2015. On that occasion, it also met the audience in Daegu City at the Muhak Hall of Suseong Artpia run by Suseong Culture Foundation.


    Dance Love Song, I Love You This Winter 
     choreographed by Jang Eun-jeong and Kim Hye-sook
        music by Gil Young-woo



    Calm and heartwarming performance by middle-aged artists who take a trip down memory lane.

    Contemporary dancers Jang Eun-jeong and Kim Hye-sook and jazz saxophone player and music director Gil Young-woo sing a song of winter together. The love story unfolded in their own ways melts the frozen moments of life.

    {"google":["Poppins","Lexend Deca"],"custom":["SCDream","LSSDot","Noto Sans KR","Noto Serif KR"]}
    {"google":["Poppins","Muli"],"custom":["SCDream","LSSDot","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}