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    Audience Club

    Everyone's cooperation for the performing arts


    We are looking for a citizen audience who enjoys, reason, and sympathize

    with a bowl of performance made by collecting ten spoons from ten spoons!



    Hello Project - Seoul

    Workshop for the Creative Performing Arts by Persons with Disabilities

     Ieum Gallery at Korea Disability Arts & Culture Center


    This is the exhibition of the Hello Project in Seoul where you can enjoy multimedia content (e.g. animation and video) and the participating artists’ digital self-portraits.


    Hello Project - Chuncheon

    Workshop for the Creative Performing Arts by Persons with Disabilities

    |exhibition spaces 3 and 4 at Gangwon Institute of Design Promotion


    This is a barrier-free exhibition of the Hello Project in Chuncheon. To ensure accessibility, the exhibition includes sign language videos, three-dimensional self-portraits and Braille blocks.


    Gestures and Facial Expressions
    Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Festival Theater Momzit

    |outdoor deck at the Festival Theater Momzit


    Just before the 20th anniversary of the Chuncheon Performing Arts Festival, the exhibition shares photos of the festival.

    About 60 photos show the facial expressions of all those who have been at the festival.

    Flim Screening

    2012 ~ 2018

    Promenade Cinema

    front yard of the Festival Theater Momzit, Yaksacheon Lawn and fountain plaza at the City Hall of Chuncheon

    Enjoy films during a promenade. The Promenade Cinema is the outdoor film screening program of the Chuncheon Performing Arts Festival. Any citizen can come and watch films here. The program shares high-quality, artistic films, which are rare to be seen in Chuncheon City, in an attempt to address the cultural divide in Korea’s different local areas.

    2018 School of Rock (2003) and Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) | 2017 Billy Elliot (2000), Children of Heaven (1997) and Crossroads of Youth (1934, performance with narration) | 2016 Buena Vista Social Club (1999), Yellow Submarine (1968) and Dancer in the Dark (2000) | 2014 Quartet (2012) and Pina (2011) | 2013 El Sistema (2008), Wolf Children (2012), Searching for Sugar Man (2012) and The Prosecutor and the Teacher (1948) | 2012 Kinshasa Symphony (2010), The Concert (2009) and Dancing Dreams (2010)



    Chuncheon Citizens’ Market

    outdoor space at Chuncheon Puppet Theater

    To help you better enjoy the Chuncheon Performing Arts Festival, we opened the festival’s own special market with the sellers of Chuncheon Citizens’ Market and those selling local products. The market comprises the festival’s outdoor music stage, Handmade Zone, Food Truck & Homemade Beer Zone and Local Food Zone.


    {"google":["Poppins","NotoSansKR","Slack-Lato","appleLogo"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","SCDream","LSSDot"]}
    {"google":["Poppins","Muli"],"custom":["SCDream","LSSDot","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}